How We Work

Barrier Force® barriers are designed for rapid and low-cost deployment to control floodwater, mudslide prevention, erosion control, and infrastructure protection. The continuous cellular barrier of pentagon-shaped vertical bags are connected side by side like an accordion, typically in 100-foot-long segments, as tall as 6 feet and up to any height when stacked. Each segment comprises 34 common-partitioned bags, linked together to create barriers of any length from 100 feet to many miles. Once they have been linked together, the segments are filled with one of a multitude of products, such as: sand, river silt, gravel, crushed stone, or concrete.
Installation of Barrier Force® barrier segments is simple when utilizing a Man Portable Deployment Unit, or MPDU along with an excavator or front-end loader, to fill each bag with sand, dirt or other recommended material. The deployment units are removed immediately after filling and “leap-frogged” ahead to the next set of cells, where the process is repeated for whatever continuous length is required. A four-person team with one skid steer can set up 1,000-foot barriers in ten hours with a process that is less labor-intensive and cost-intensive than traditional sandbags.
Barrier Force® Contact
James Jacobi - Chief of Operations, Barrier Force® Solutions / Email / 732-558–3038 /